
HSC Civics Model Test-1st Paper -1

Class – XII
Subject : Civics 1st Paper 
Time : 3 hrs.                                                                                                                                         Marks. 100

Group -A
Answer any five of the following questions.

1.         What is civics? Discuss the relation between civics and economics.
Or,       What is nuclear family? Discuss the functions of the family.

2.         What do you mean by the social change? State the factors of social change.
Or,       Define nationality. Explain the elements of nationality.

3.         Describe the social contract theory about the origin of the state.
Or,       Discuss the functions of the modern state.

4.         What is constitution? Discuss the characteristics of a good constitution.
OR,      What is Democracy? Discuss the conditions for the success of Democracy.

5.         What is political party? Discuss the functions of political party in democratic country.  
Or,       What is bureaucracy? Discuss the characteristics of bureaucracy. 

Group -B

6.         What is joint family?
Or,       What are the differences between nation and nationality?

7.         What are the differences between state and Government?
Or,       "Will not force is the basis of the state"- Explain it.

8.         What is Individualism?
Or,       What do you know about sovereignty?

9.         Why do people obey law?
Or,       What is equality ?

10.       What is Human right?
Or,       What is Parliamentary form of Government?

11.       What is Bi-cameral legislature?
Or,       What do you know about the theory of separation of power?

12.       What is Decentralization?
Or,       What is " Universal Adult franchise"?

13.       What is pressure group?
Or,       What is meant by the tyranny of red tap?

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