
General Science Model Question for Class-VIII

General Science Model Question for Class-VIII
Time : 40 Minutes                                                                                                                                 Marks. 20

1.         There are a lot of changes occur in nature around us everyday you will find that these changes are not all alike. It is seen that there are two types of changes e. g. physical and chemical change. The main cause of chemical change is chemical reaction.
            a)         What is a chemical reaction?                                                                                                     1
            b)         Write down differences between physical and chemical changes.

2.         Energy is essential to do any sort of work. We get energy through food, fuel, electricity etc. Every is required to produce essential products.
            a)         What is energy?                                                                                                                        1
            b)         What is photosynthesis & respiration.                                                                            2
            c)         Describe about mineral resources.                                                                                             5

3.         We know that with the application of head temperature of any body increase. If same amount a heat is given to 1 gm of water and 1 gm A oil. The temperature will not increase same for both. i.e Head capacity is not same, it is called specific heat. We have seen from the chart that specific heat of water is highest and it is 4200.
            a)         Define specific heat what is the unit of specific heat?                                                      2.5
            b)         What is the specific heat of water? What does it mean?                                                             3.5

General Science Model Question for Class-VIII

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