
Biology Objective Model Question for Class-IX -1

Class - IX
Subject: Biology ( Objective)
Time : 35 Minutes                                                                                                                                 Marks. 35

( Condidates are asked not to leave any mark/spot on the answer sheet. Use ball point pen to put tick at the side of correct/best answer.)

1.         How many ventro-lateral lip are present in Round worm?
            a)  03     b)  02      c)  01      d)  04

2.         Cloacal and genital apertures are not separate in which worm?
            a)  Female  b)  Male   c)  larva   d)  None

3.         The male reproductive system of round worm consists, what?
            a)  Testis                      b)  Seminal vesicle
            c)  Seminal receptacle d)  both a and b

4.         How many ovaries are present in female round worm?
            a)  01       b)  03    c)  02       d)  04

5.         Which one is the only host of round worms?
            a)  Man    b)  Cow     c)  Goat        d)  Cat

6.         What is called the primary larval stage of round worm?
            a)  Nauplius                  b)  Cocoon
            c)  Rhabditiform larva   d)  Pupa

7.         A single host may contain how many worm?
            a)  200-400                  b)  100-400
            c)  100-200                  d)  100-500

8.         What is the length of male round worm?
            a)  15 -20 cm               b)  15-25 cm
            c)  20-25 cm.               d)  20-30 cm

9.         Which one is the ecotoparasite?
            a)  Leech                      b)  Lice
            c)  virus                        d)  Above all

10.       How many chambers are present in the pharynx of round worm?
            a)   02              b)  03     c)  04      d)  05
11.       Where sperm are stored in the female round worm?
            a)  Seminal vesicle        b)  Cloacal aperture
            c)  penial setae d)  Seminal receptacle
12.       How many longitudinal lines are present in male round worm body?
            a)  02     b)  03       c)  04         d)  None
13.       The alimentary canal of round worm are consists of how many parts?
            a)  01               b)  02        c)  03    d)  04
14.       After fertilization the zygote of round worm covered by a wall made of what?    
            a)  Cellulose                 b)  Chitin
            c)  Pectine                    d)  lignin
15.       How many uteri are present in female round worm?
            a)  01      b)  06       c)  03         d)  04
16.       ICBN recognised how many taxon?
            a)  05       b)  06           c)  07      d)  08
17.       At present unicellular eukaryotes are placed on which kingdom?
            a)  Monera                   b)  Animalia
            c)  Protista                    d)  None

18.       Which one is Non cellular?
            a)  Virus           b)  Bacteria
            c)  Algae          d)  Fungi
19.       Which one is the first vascular group in the world?
            a)  Algae                      b)  Bryophytes
            c)  Pteridophytes          d)  Gymnosperm
20.       Which one is prokaryotic?
            a)  Clostridium b)   Nostoc
            c)  Anabaena                d)   Above all
21.       Which one is the example of dicot plant?
            a)  Coconut      b)  Gnetum
            c)  Mango        d)  Above all
22.       Which one is viral caused disease?
            a)  Polio           b)  Tetanus
            c)  Typhoid       d)  Cholera
23.       Circinate vernation of young leaf are present in which plant?
            a)  Pteris    b)  Cycas    c)  Bryum
            d)  both a and b
24.       Pit coal is developed from which plant?
            a)  Algae                      b)  Moss
            c)  Pteridophytes          d)  Gymnosperm

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