
HSC English 1st Paper Model Question-14

Class- XII
Subject: English 1st Paper
Time : 2½ hrs.                                                                                                                                     Marks: 100
Part A:  Seen comprehension (40 marks):
Capitalism developed in the European countries as a result of their ‘laissez-faire’ (hands off) policy. The idea of global trade which was inherent in capitalism has now become universalized. Taking advantage of the idea of globalization, capitalism seems to be on a triumphant march. However it is creating more opportunities for capitalist countries than for the developing ones. In the name of help and co-operation, the industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting the cheap labor available in poorer countries. The global strategy of development promises greater employment opportunities to the people of poor countries but at the same time it also promises high returns to capital. This actually paves the way for a lasting poverty so that the capitalists can continue to have a pool of cheap labor to drawn from. The exploited and impoverished workers of the developing countries are no match for a globalizing powerful capitalism. As a Result, the gap between wealth and poverty is ever widening. Only a trifling minority are traveling in luxurious cabins furnished with all modern amenities. They have access to nutritious food, pure drinking water, advanced medicare and a life of luxury. But the overwhelming majority is traveling in the third class decks and is suffering from hunger and disease. Globalization can bring happiness to everyone only when all the passengers of the ship can travel in the same class of cabins in conditions of solidarity, equity and justice.
1.   Choose the right word to complete each sentence.                                                                      1´5=5
  1. The word ‘overwhelming’ means crushing/nourishing/firmness
  2. Capitalism takes advantage/disadvantage/power of the poor.
  3. Only a negligible/considerable/overwhelming minority are enjoying the gifts of globalization.
  4. Globalization helps capitalism by enhancing opportunities for free trade and commerce throughout the nation/the world /the underdeveloped countries.
  5. The global plan of capitalism ensures a constant supply/ demand/use of cheap labor.

2.   True/False? If false give the information.                                                                                     1´5=5
     a.    The developing countries are basically impoverished.
     b.    The capitalist countries draw high returns through the global strategy of development.
     c.    Capitalism buttresses socialism.
     d.    The capitalist countries extend help and cooperation to the poorer countries.
     e.    The trifling minority refers to few industrialized socialist countries.

3.  Fill in the gaps with correct form of words. Add any preposition if necessary.                           1´5=5
     a.    Capitalist countries come forward with a view to (exploit) -----the poor countries.
     b.    International ties can (strong) ------ through globalization process
     c.    Capitalism (prevail) ----- European countries.
     d .   The rich (become) ----- more powerful because of capitalism.
     e.    The developed countries stand on an (advantage) ----- position.

4.  Make a list of five things of globalization and capitalism.                                                            1´5=5
Read the passage below and answer the questions 5-8:
A society’s culture is made up of all of its ideas and ways of behaving. Language, music, ideas about what is good or bad, ways of working and playing, and the tools and other objects made and used by people in the society- all these are part of a society’s culture. As studying a persons repeated actions is a good way to find out about that person, studying the important patterns of entire society is a way to learn about the culture of that group. Patterns of behaviour and action vary from individual to individual, class to class, society to society and country to country. These differences are referred to as cultural differences. What is an appropriate mode of behavior in one culture might prove inappropriate or even rude in other culture. For example when Latin Americans talk to each other, they stand about 18- 12 inches apart, measured nose to nose. To stand further away from each other while talking seems unfriendly to them. In some Arab countries too, the proper and polite distance for a conversation is to be close enough to feel the other person’s breath. But in British or American society, getting so close during a conversation is considered inappropriate.

5.  Write a short answer to the following questions.                                                                                      1´5=5
    a. What do you mean by ‘cultural differences’?
    b. How can you know about a person?
    c. What is your opinion about the Arabs` conversation?
    d. Why do the patterns of behaviour and action vary from?
    e. What will you do to talk to a Latin American?

6. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.                                                                                               1´5=5
The culture of a society (a)___the actions and behaviour of its people. Ideas about good and bad may(b) ___ the varieties of culture but tools and objects made and used by a community reflect its (c)______. People of one class bears their(d)____ in their everyday activities and mode of behaviour in one society may be considered (e)___ in another.

7.   Summarize the passage in five meaningful sentences.                                                                   1´5=5

8.   Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow chart. 1´5=5
Factors of a society’s culture

Part B: Vocabulary: 20 Marks
9.  Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box. Make any grammatical change if necessary. There are more words in the box than you need.                                                                                            1´10=10


The original design had included (a)___ glass, with hundreds of eyes through which the sunlight could pass. The (b)___floor was to reflect the (c) ___ shadows of the (d) ___in an unending process of (e)___from dawn to dusk. In the basement of the (f) ___Hamidur Rahman had designed a grand (g) ___work of 1500 hundred square feet, depicting the (h)____ movement. This was to be his masterpiece, again reflecting the theme of geometric (i)____ and vertical (j) ___ of unity and strength.

10.  Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each of the gap.                                                   1´10=10
Today terrorism is a global (a) ___ possessing the headlines of the dailies. Through terrorism, terrorists are trying to create fear and (b) ___ among the mass to gain their (c) ___ ends or the ends of the organization to which they belong. There are two (d) ___ of terrorist: criminal and political. Criminal terrorists try to gain their own ends through kidnappings, riots, etc. On the other hand political terrorists are much more (e) ___. They are (f) ___and well trained. Hijacking of aero planes, sabotage, murder of eminent figures, shooting down innocent people, indiscriminate use of bombs and explosives are the various (h) ____used by the political terrorists to (i) ___ their objectives. After the end of World War П terrorism (j) ___ up in different countries.

Part C: Guided Writing (40 Marks)

11.       Match the phrases in the following substitution table to make meaningful sentence. Write out the sentences in full.                                                                                                                                          2´6=12

1. Investment in education for girls
to creating wealth
to send their both boys and girls
on economic development
2. Educating girls contribute
are more likely
through impact is
in all other sectors
3. Educated woman have
increases the economic and social returns
than those who have had
to school
4. Educated mothers
results in a
from integrated approach
potential human resources
5. It is important to realize
a higher earning potential
of development investments
no schooling
6. Thus failing to educate girls
success in girls education generally  results
tremendous waste of
to community development

12. The sentences in the following text are jumbled. Rewrite the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story.                                                                                                      14
      a.   At the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.
      b.   At the age of 11 in 1909 he showed his poetic genius.
      c.   He lost his father when he was only 8 years old.
      d.   He composed a lot of poems, songs, short stories and so on.
      e.   Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in Burdwan, a district in the then Bengal Presidency.
      f.    On his return from the army he abandoned the sword for the pen and devoted himself to literature.
      g.   In 1914, when the First World War broke out he wanted to join the army.
      h.   He was soon recognized as one of the greatest poets of Bengal.
      i.    He breathed his last on August 29, 1976 and was burid in the compound of Dhaka University Mosque.
       j.   Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and Nazrul Islam was brought to Dhaka from Calcutta.
       k. Then he was under aged and so he could not join the army.
       l.   He fell seriously ill in 1942 and was never recovered from his illness.
      m. Owing to his illness, more than three decades of his life were unproductive.
      n.   His poems and songs inspired our freedom fighters a lot in 1971.

13. Write a paragraph about ‘World Heritage Sites in Bangladesh’ in twenty meaningful sentences.          14

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