
Physics Grade IX Sample Question

Subject : Physics (Subjective)
Class - IX

Time : 2 hours.                                                                                                                          Marks. 40

[N.B : Answer any five question from group A and Answer any five from group B ]

Group : A

1.         What is venire constant ? What is Back lash error ?                                                                   1+1 = 2
2.         What is force ? State the low of conservation of momentum.                                          1+1 = 2
3.         Define hydro electricity. What is the meaning of 60 w-electric bulb ?                              1+1 = 2
4.         Define solid angle. What do you mean by 1 candela ?                                                    1+1 = 2
5.         What is Regulation ? What do you mean by Otto cycle ?                                                           1+1 = 2
6.         What do you mean by desired unit ? What do you understand inertia ?                           1+1 = 2
7.         Define watt ? What do you mean by Thrust ?                                                                1+1 = 2
8.         What is phase ? What is Echo ?
9.         What is Friesian ? Find out the unit of thermal conductivity.                                            1+1 = 2
10.       State coulomb is law.                                                                                                                2

Group : B

11.       Describe with diagrams in detail the domain theory of magnetism.                                               6

12.       a)  What is an electroscope ? Describe how with the help of this instrument the nature of charge is          detected.
            b)  In air a charge of 30 coulombs and 50 coulombs are at a distance of I'm from each other. Find the    unsent of force between them.                                                                                         4+2 = 6

13.       a)  Describe searle's method for determining the thermal conductivity of metals.

            b)  Temperatures of two sides of a brass plate of thickness 4 m m are 10oc and 300c respectively. 33    KJ amount of heat flows per second through this plate. If thermal conductivity of brass is 110 w m-1 k -1                         then find the area of the plate.                                                                                              4+2 = 6

14.       a)  State and explain the law of a simple pendulum.                                                                    4+2 = 6

            b)  A simple pendulum Oscillates 30 times in a minute. Find the effective length of the pendulum 9.8       ms -2.               
15.       a)  From Newton's second law of motion, Prove the F = ma.
            b)  A bullet of mass 10 gm leaves the barrel of a gun of mass 6 kg at the velocity of 300 ms -1.Determine            the backward velocity of the gun.                                                                                        4+2 = 6

16.       a)  Describe a method for determining the specific heat of solid.
            b)  Find the amount of heat required to convert 100 gm ice at -10oc to water at 1000c. Specific heat of ice. melting point of ice and specific latent heat of fusion of ice are 2100 J Kg-1k-1,ooc and 336000 JKg-1      K-1 -1 respectively.                                                                                                                    4+2 = 6

17.       a)  Deduce the relation between real expansion and apparent expansion of a liquid.
            b)  What is the difference between heat and temperature ?                                                         4+2 = 6
18.       a)  Describe the mechanism for propagation of sound in air.
            b)  What is sound pollution ?

19.       a)  Explains the working principal of a Hydraulic press with a neat diagram.
            b)  The sp. gr. of a body is 6 and weights 36 N in air. What is its weight in water ?                     4+2 = 6

20.       a)  Prove the principle of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body under the action of         gravity.
            b)  A boy of mass 35 kg can rise 20 steps each step being 20 cm high in a time of 5 see. What is his      power ?                                                                                                                                     4+2 = 6

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